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Rabu, Oktober 27, 2010

Langkah2 Mencegah Jenayah

Kapkunkap... mancing siakap, tepi tingkap.

Hanya gambar hiasan
Pepatah Nepal ada berkata,
"Sebaik- baik penjenayah ialah penjenayah yang mengucapkan terima kasih selepas merompak rumah orang."
Namun perkara sebegini jarang berlaku. Sebaliknya jenayah kerap berlaku walaupun di tengah sepi Gurun Sahara atau di dalam hening Lautan Pasifik. Tak kira betapa besarnya dunia ciptaan tuhan ini, kita pasti akan bersua dengan penjenayah. Sama ada kita disamun penjenayah atau kita yang menyamun penjenayah. Hanya takdir dan waktu yang menentukan.

Pencegahan jenayah bermula dari rumah. Binalah rumah tanpa pintu tingkap. Anda hanya keluar masuk melalui bumbung rumah. Keberangkalian pecah rumah melalui bumbung agak tipis. Atau bina rumah di dalam air. Cuma keluar masuk kena menyelam dan beli tangki oksigen. Modal la sikit demi keselamatan keluarga tersayang.

Sekiranya anda tinggal bersendirian kerana keluarga atau member serumah ada urusan, nyalakan semua lampu walaupun hari siang. Nyalakan juga lilin, pelita, signal motor dan kereta. Kemudian hidupkan suis computer, radio, tv, video games, blender, ketuhar, mesin basuh, seterika, dan periuk nasi elektrik. Akhir sekali, anda duduk dalam bilik dan ketuk tin Milo kuat2.Bunyi rumah yang riuh- rendah macam rumah orang gila menyebabkan penjenayah menyangka ada ramai orang dan tentunya membantut hasratnya untuk merompak secara solo, mendua, trio dan merempat.

Sekiranya anda keluar seorang diri pada waktu malam, ajaklah member serumah anda menemani. Lagi baik kalau ajak sama jiran sebelah menemani. Lagi cantik kalau ajak satu blok rumah flat menemani anda. Kalau anda berjogging seorang diri, pastikan anda mengikut laluan yang berlainan. Kalau semalam jogging bawah pokok, hari ni jogging atas pokok. Esok, jogging dalam kolam. Lusa, jogging dalam longkang. Tulat, jogging di atas landasan monorel.

Sekiranya penjenayah mengacu pisau, chainsaw, pistol atau carbine ke perut anda, anda pura-puralah melatah dan berguling-guling selama 2 minggu tanpa henti. Penjenayah sure boring dan berlalu meninggalkan anda. Dalam menangani kesurvivalan jenayah, kita tidak boleh mengharapkan Superman sahaja. Kita juga tidak boleh mengharapkan selalu pertolongan dari Berukman, Conan, Kamen Rider, Thundercats, Dante dan The No Ordinary Family. Mereka pun ada kehidupan privasi yang perlu kita hormati. Mereka juga ingin bermain dengan anak2 dan tentunya ingin 'bermain' dengan isteri. Sampai bila keamanan bumi bergantung kepada mereka? 

Jadi, penguatkuasaan undang2 adalah jawapan muktamad. Sepandai-pandai tilapia memanjat pokok betik, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga. Oleh itu, janganlah cuba melakukan jenayah. Janganlah berenang di dalam kolam yang tak ada air kelak diketawakan oleh itik cacat. Banteras jenayah tanggungjawab bersama. Bukankah cium kaki cekam kiri, ketiak kanan juga berbau?

Isnin, Oktober 25, 2010

Boring la,,,,

Bosan la hri ni. Takde Xde plak kwan nak chat kat Facebook (yalah,kbanyakan kwan aq ambik ujian mnggu ni,mmang la xde yg online). Tnggal la aq ngan blog aq ni. Main2 ngan ikan kat atas tu (korg taw kan guna
'app' ikan kat bhagian atas blog aq tu? Klau korg klik kat gmbar ikan tu,nnti mkanan akan kluar and ikan2 tu akan prgi mkan mkanan tu).

Bila dah bosan,aq dngr la lgu nyanyian band Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Korg pernah tak dngar lagu dri band ni? Snyap je.Wei,aq tnya ni jwab la.Sombong la korang ni.Oh,yalah.Klau kat dalam ni nak jwab mcm mana ya tak? Hehe,sorry2 aq silap. Korg mngkin x knal band ni sbab lgu2 diorg tak prnah kluar kat Malaysia pown.Tpi aq mmang lyan lgu dia mcm False Pretense & My Your Guardian Angel.

Tpi lagu yg paling aq lyan ialah Face Down,mmang best giler thap dewa Helios la! Ssuai masa korang tngah ulngkaji (x digalakkan utk orang yang x leh blajar dlam bising). Lirik dia kat bwah tu.

★Red Jumpsuit Apparatus- Face Down★
Hey girl, you know you drive me crazy
One look puts the rhythm in my hand
Still I'll never understand why you hang around
I see what's going down

Cover up with make-up in the mirror
Tell yourself it's never gonna happen again
You cry alone and then he
Swears he loves you

Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now
As she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you, my friend
One day, this world's got to end
As your lies crumble down
A new life she has found

A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect
Every action in this world will bear a consequence
If you wade around forever you will surely drown
I see what's going down

I see the way you go and say you're right again
Say you're right again
Heed my lecture

Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now
As she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you, my friend
One day, this world's got to end
As your lies crumble down
A new life she has found

One day she will tell you that she has had enough
It's coming round again

Do you feel like a man
When you push her around?
Do you feel better now
As she falls to the ground?
Well I'll tell you, my friend
One day, this world's got to end
As your lies crumble down
A new life she has found
Face down in the dirt
She said this doesn't hurt
She said I've finally had enough

Khamis, Oktober 21, 2010

Meh Berkenalan Dngan: Vergil (DMC)


Dah lama btul aq x update blog ni. Well, hari ni aq nak kongsi kat korang psal Vergil, slah seorang antagonis dlam v'game Devil May Cry 3.

Sumber: Devil May Cry Wikipedia

"Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything. Let alone yourself."
― Vergil to Dante, Devil May Cry 3
Vergil is the older of the twin sons of Sparda and Eva, and is the main antagonist of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening and the special edition version. Unlike Dante, his younger brother, he embraces his demonic heritage and despises his human one. His personality is a complete opposite to Dante's; whereas Dante is hot-headed and sarcastic, Vergil is cold blooded and sardonic. He has a lust for power and is willing to disregard anything to obtain the power of his father, Sparda. He uses Yamato, a keepsake from his father, and possesses a sense of style which rivals Dante's.


For the most part, Vergil looks identical to Dante in hair and facial features. In Devil May Cry 3 however, Vergil has his hair swept back instead of brushed down like Dante, presumably to resemble his father and to distinguish himself from his brother. As for clothing, Vergil predominately wears shades of blue as opposed to Dante's red. What is interesting is that Sparda himself seemingly wore purple as his trademark color and his sons, Dante and Vergil, wore red and blue respectively; the two colors combining to create purple. Vergil previously wore a blue long coat with three tails and a snake like pattern on the right side of the jacket. When he was transformed into Nelo Angelo, he wore heavy armor that pulsed colors according to his vitality. The armor included a humanoid helmet with horns protruding from the sides and a cape. In his final confrontation against Dante, he removed his helmet to reveal a sickly white skin tone with blue veins and red eyes with his hair still swept back.


Vergil's personality is almost the complete opposite of Dante's personality. Even though they are twin brothers, Vergil is calm, cool, and collected.[1] In Devil May Cry 3, Vergil is shown to have a fondness for reading books. He is quiet and prefers swords over guns, since he considers firearms unworthy of a "true warrior".[2] His quietness is not due to a lack of self confidence however; it is because he never shows fear over anything.
It would appear that Dante and Vergil were close at one time during their childhood. After the boss fight with Arkham in Devil May Cry 3, Dante and Vergil finish him by each of them firing one of Dante's guns, simultaneously saying a catchphrase, "Jackpot", after Dante asks his brother, "Remember what we used to say?".
Unlike Dante, Vergil is willing to embrace his demonic heritage, and seeks to emulate his father's power and cold persona. While Dante seeks to protect humanity from the demons, Vergil wants more demonic power, regardless of the consequences to those around him. Despite his normal personality of cold dismissal, he does cherish two things: the Devil-blade Yamato, a dark O-Katana left to him as a keepsake by his father and his own half of the Perfect Amulet, a keepsake from his mother. In Devil May Cry 3, Vergil seems to reveal some of his feelings by claiming to Dante: "Might controls everything, and without strength you cannot protect anything, let alone yourself.". This may be a reference to their mother's death. It may also imply that Vergil seeks power as compensation for failing to protect her. His failure may also have made him forsake close human relationships.

Ni dia gmbar si "x brapa macho" ni

Vergil (kiri) brsama Dante

Posing trbaik dari Vergil!

sdutan dari cutscene Demil May Cry

Ssuai untuk wallpaper desktop korang!

Vergil (kanan) and Dante dngan gmbar Devil Trigger diorang sbagai background

babak prtarungan Vergil dan Dante!

alternate costume utk Vergil

Devil Trigger utk Vergil dngan snjata Nevan

1 lagi gmbar Vergil
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