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Sabtu, Oktober 22, 2011

The Last Chapter Of Doraemon

(ketika menulis post ini, penulis sedang mkan apollo cicah milo ais)

Assalammualaikum w.b.t!!!

Aq dah jumpa episod terakhir Doraemon!!! (tapi aq x paham sngat jlan citernya). Cuma ending kat bwah ni hasil karya Nobuo Sato, jadi ia bukannya official ending, tapi fanfic [klik sini klau nak taw fanfic tu apa>>]. Apa2 pown, enjoy reading smbil dngar lagu "In The Shadow" kat blog aq ni!!! (^_^)

P/S: Citer ni aq copy dari sbuah laman web, sbab tu dyer tules bhasa inggeris. Klau korang x paham, tngok kat bawah skali.


1. And this is our guest today, the number one in robotics, Doctor Nobi.
2. Nice to meet you.
3. Yaa, it's Nobi-kun! The top-of-the highest technology nowadays that Japan is proud of!
4. It's a great deal, isn't it.
5. No, no, the great one is President Dekisugi for sure.
6. Nobita, he's going back from abroad right? How if we call him?
7. That's good. We haven't been gathering for a long time. Let's gather together.
8. No, it's too much.
9. Today, I just really wanted to talk to only two of you.
10. Still remember about Doraemon?

1. Isn't it clear that I will not forget him?
2. That kid...
3. Suddenly he dare to went back to the future, saying there are things and such to do!
4. We all are friends who have been risking our lives together, aren't we!!
5. He refused a word and made us let him go!!
6. Let's put aside whether he went back to the future silently or not.
7. He just suddenly disappeared. That is the fact.
8. Also, Nobita-kun's change.
9. There is a term called "Time Paradox".

1. Doraemon!!!
2. Give me that, hey, the one that I used that time.
3. This time which is called "this time" is the limit oh my PATIENCE.
4. Oi....
5. What happened to you, hey, Doraemon.
6. Say something to me!
7. Even Doraemon is making fun of me?!
8. I'm calling you, Doraemon!!!

1. Doraemon?
2. n~~n...
3. How is it? Dorami-chan.
4. Doraemon never moves, always in this condition.
5. Perhaps, he is out of battery, I think.
6. Out of battery?
7. Oh, I see.
8. Alright, replace the battery quickly.

1. It's not as simple as that.
2. Old cat-type robots have support memory circuits in his ears that are used while replacing battery.
3. But since my brother has lost his ears, there is no backup.
4. In this state, if we replace the battery, the memory of my brother will disappear.
5. The memories of him with you will vanish completely!!
6. The memory of Doraemon will be lost?!
7. That's stupid! Just because the battery is out, then what?! If we can replace it, he will get well, right?!
8. Calm down, Nobita-san.
9. Every type of robot needs energy. Especially a delicate robot only keep important memories, the others are forgotten, more like humans...

1. That's enough. I will go and bring him to a factory in the future.
2. Nobita-san!
3. You can't do that. Now, intervention with your era is being prohibited.
4. I, hearing that there will be a misfortune there, even tried to fly there,
5. but the Time Patrol won't let me go past them.
6. They also didn't listen to me.
7. This is the first time this kind of thing happens.
8. So.. what should I do!!

1. If I put back his ears, the memory will remain, right? I will take a tool from his pocket and ...
2. You cannot use brother's pocket while he is in functional interruption, you know. Moreover we cannot handle such precise modification.
3. If so, call his creator!
4. The designer's whereabouts is a super-important absolutely-secret matter.
5. Although it is regrettable, several layers of protection has been put in my memory.
6. Nobita-san... By some chance, they might collect even the Time Television.
7. There are two choices.
8. The first one is, change the battery at the future factory.
9. Maybe you can still deceive the Time Patrol if it is now.
10. Even if brother's memories disappear, I think you can live with him together once more.
11. And the second choice... we wait for some technologies from the future and leave him now as he is...

1. Nobita, Doraemon, dinner's ready!
2. Where are they?
3. There is not even a single answer. Maybe they are having some fight or such thing again.
4. Doraemon...
5. Do you remember the time we first met?

1. It was on a New Year's day, right?
2. I was surprised because suddenly you even said to me, "you are not satisfactory!"
3. We have been to various places, yeah...
4. To the future, to the past, and mysterious places.
5. We escaped for dear life.
6. Doraemon, when you were confused, you are useless right.
7. When people made fun of me, you were thinking for me as if it were your problem...
8. I didn't say thanks properly to you, but actually I was very happy, you know.
9. We even fought and grappled seriously didn't we.
10. But, after so many times, we always made up again didn't we.
11. Yo, say something! Doraemon.
12. Hey Doraemon ... ...
13. Doraemon ... ...
14. ugh ugh ugh ... ...

1. Alright...
2. I understand. I know that you surely don't want brother's memories of Nobita-san be wiped off.
3. Thank you. I'm so happy I met Nobita-san.
4. In the future, for sure, a way to repair brother will be discovered. that's what my feeling says.
5. I ... ...

1. End-of Month Test
  • Nobi Nobita 498
  • Dekisugi Hidetoshi 475 
  • Gera Koufu 410
2. Nobita saann... you're very amazing! You get the highest score again.
3. Nobita kun, congratulations. No one matches you anymore.
4. Thank you.
5. But score is not what I want. It is the knowledge. Still, still have to struggle.
6. If you push yourself too hard, it won't be good for your body. Hey, it's been a long time since we last went to the hill on the back, so let's go there!
7. Thank you Shizuka-chan. But, there are things that I want to analyze, so, maybe next time.

1. Nobita-kun... has changed... right?
2. No, he hasn't!
3. Nobita-san is, though careless, frivolous, rushing to peek into my bathroom, and perverted, but...
4. He always strives wholeheartedly. He notices the needs of people in his surroundings, and though he gets the shortest stick in a draw, he's still able to smile. He is a strong person, you know.
5. After Doraemon disappeared, he had always put too much force on himself without saying anything.
6. I'll certainly invite him to picnic.
7. Not just that,... even though I have to put a rope on my neck, I'll bring him to the picnic!!!
8. Nobita~san !!!

1. Time Paradox?
2. It's certain that... during the time travel, there was a contradiction that was caused by things that affect the history.
3. Of course! That's my Honekawa-kun.
4. Now, our civilization seems to be puzzled and are going into a deadlock, right?
5. This is a thing you should have surely know: "Doraemon has come." As a thing that is related with the future,
6. actually the speed of our evolution is too slow...
7. Oh yeah... do you remember? When we were kids, we often imagine,
8. that when we have grown up, a trip to the outer space will be a thing that is definitely possible.
9. Yes, you are right! Something like migrating by going into a tube, having food that's ready just one button, even a MAIN ROBOT.
10. Yeah. I thought about that too.
11. Thereafter, as observers, seriously and attentively and cautiously, I struggled such that those things happen.
12. I even didn't take part in adventures you do every summer holiday, right?
13. Dekisugi?

1. Tonight... the invention that adcances our civilization with one bound has been completed by an engineer.
2. Because this fact has a big risk that can change the history.
3. the top-secret and top-priority thing on the top of the world has even been informed from the future: "Intervention on him is prohibited."
4. Hey, is it OK for us to talk about that?
5. Don't tell me that that engineer is...
6. The only one oath when he was still a kid.
7. And I finally understand. That nothing in him has changed.
8. No doubt, it is a Paradox, but...
9. Actually 35 years ago, this world's dream and future has been entrusted to him.
10. Honey?

1. Shizuka, look here.
2. Didn't you say this place is dangerous and I cannot enter?
3. Honey... Nobita san?
4. Dora... chan.
5. I turn the switch on, ok...

1. Nobita kun, have you done your homework!?
2. Doraemon Theme Song.

Doraemon Theme Song
This sort of thing is good
I wish I could do it
That sort of dream, this sort of dream,
I have many of them but
All of them, all of them, all of them
He grants my dreams
He grants my dreams with a mysterious pocket
I want to fly freely in the sky(Here! Bamboo-copter!)
Ah ah ah
I love you very much,

Kepada sesaper yg x paham jalan citer ni, ending Doraemon ni brmula apabila Doraemon khabisan tenaga bateri dan tidak boleh brgerak lagi. Nobita diberi pilihan sama ada mnukar bateri Doraemon (tetapi itu akan mmbuatkan memori Doraemon terpadam kerana Doraemon ialah sbuah robot lama yg mmerlukan backup memory pada telinga mereka untuk mnyimpan memori mreka stiap kali mreka mnukar bateri. Mlangnya telinga Doraemon telah pun hncur masa kena gigit ngan tikus pada masa dpan dulu jadi ini bleh mnyebabkan memorinya tntang Nobita dan kwan2 dyer hilang jika dyer mnukar bateri), atau mnunggu sehingga ada seorang juruteknik robot yg bleh mnghidupkan Doraemon suatu hari nnti.

Slepas gagal prgi ke kilang pada masa hadapan untuk mnghidupkan Doraemon kerana brlaku sekatan oleh Polis Masa yg mnghalang sbarang cmpur tngan dari era khidupan Nobita atas sbab2 yg x diketahui, Nobita brsumpah akan blajar brsungguh-sungguh agar bleh mnjadi juruteknik robot yg akan mnghidupkan kmbali Doraemon. Pada masa akan dtang, negara Jepun telah mnjadi sebuah negara Republik, dan Dekisugi telah mnjadi presiden negara trsebut. Nobita akhirnya brjaya mnghidupkan smula Doraemon, dan dyer juga telah mnjadi seorang juruteknik robot yg brjaya dan hidup gmbira shingga ke akhir hayat.

Best kan ending dyer???

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