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Khamis, Mei 16, 2013

I'm Back!... Again

Walaoweyh... Aq baru perasan post aq yg paling latest masa bulan februari dulu... Sori la eh sbab dah lama tak update blog ni. Laptop aq dah rosak, pastu tab aq ni mcam mngarut sangat nak dibuat tulis blog sbab skrin dyer macam kecik sangat nak tampung blogger ni, especially bila brcampur ngan virtual keyboard ni lagi la mngarut. Lagi satu, kalau dulu aq cuma ada facebook je, takde la busy sngat. Tapi lpas aq buat macam2 akaun ni, instagram la, twitter la, aq dah makin konfius tak taw nak bukak yg mana satu dulu.

Apa2 pun, skarang aku dah kembali memblogging, so tunggu la post2 aq yang sterusnya dan jngan lupa follow aq kat twitter, instagram, facebook & ask okey???

Facebook: Ammar Manchese
Twitter: @megigorengayam
Instagram: ammarmanchese
Ask: BudakSukaKuceng

Jumaat, Februari 22, 2013

In Loving Memory Of Kurt Cobain

46 tahun lalu, seorg lagenda telah lahir. Saper lagi lagenda tu klau bukan mendiang Kurt Cobain, vokalis band otai Nirvana. Smalam genaplah umur dyer yg ke 46 jika dyer masih hidup lagi. Dia digelar sbagai 'King Of Grunge Rock' krana prsmbahannya dngan band Nirvana (bukan Nirwana Band) yg rock giler2, smpai org giler pown x rock mcam diorang. Dyer dkatakan mati krana mmbunuh diri, wlaupun ada spekulasi mngatakan yg dyer sbnarnya mati dibunuh. Wlaupun bgitu, dyer mrupakan slah sorg artis yg aq anggap sbagai sorang lagenda. So, untuk tribute smpena hri jadi dyer ni (wlaupun trlmbat shari) aq nak share karya2 genius dyer smasa dyer masih hidup kat korang yg x prnah dngar pown nama dyer ni.

Klau sbut nama band Nirvana, bnda prtama yg trlintas kat fkiran rmai org sdah smestinya lagu Smells Like Teen Spirit. Klau trcium bau kwan korang kntut pown, korg msti akan tringat tjuk lagu ni. ENTERTAIN US!!!

Satu lagi lagu yg mngkin trlintas kat fkiran pminat Nirvana (mcam aq) ialah lagu Come As You Are. Yuna pown ada buat cover lagu ni. Hbat kan????

I'm so happy, coz today I found my friend. Their in my head...
Video Lithium kat bawah ni adalah video tribute Nirvana paling ssuai utk smua prsmbahan diorg. I miss you but I'm not gonna crack!!!

In Loving Memory Of Kurt Cobain... R.I.P.

Aq Terjumpa Video Ni Kat Youtube. Skali Tngok Video Kawan2 Aq Main Kinect Rupanya

Isnin, Ogos 06, 2012

Meh Berkenalan Dngan: Deadpool

Korg knal x mmat kat atas ni??? Well, klau korg pminat stia komik2 Marvel, korg msti dah taw saper mamat brtopeng ni kan??? Well, klau korg x taw, ni la Deadpool, wtak anti-hero feveret aq dlam Marvel Comics slain drpada Punisher. So, kpada ssaper yg x knal lagi mamat brbaju merah ni, hari ni aq akan knalkan & bagi korg trus tngkap cintan kat mmat ni.

Sumber: Marvel Website

Real Name
Wade Wilson
Jack, Chiyonosake ("the Wolf of the Rice Wine"), Rhodes, Corpus, Lopez, Hobgoblin, Thom Cruz, Peter Parker, numerous others
Known to Canadian government officials
Place of Birth
Unrevealed location in Canada
First Appearance
New Mutants #98 (1990)
Deadpool #-1 (1997); Marvel Comics 1998 Annual Starring Deadpool and Death (1998); Deadpool #33 (1999)

Early Years

Not too much is known about Deadpool's childhood. Sometime after his mother died from cancer, his father was killed by a drunken friend, and he was kicked out of the United States Army Special Forces, "Wade" joined Project X.[1].
Little was known of Wilson's subsequent mercenary activities. At one point he was active in Tangier, Morocco where he romanced a woman named Francie. When this relationship soured, he traveled throughout Asia, and was hired in Japan by a crime lord, the Boss, to infiltrate a sumo-wrestling ring owned by a rival criminal, the Oyakata. Wilson spent three years as a wrestler under the Oyakata's tutelage and became romantically involved with his mentor’s daughter, Sazae. When the Boss finally ordered the Oyakata's murder, Wilson refused to complete his assignment, allegedly the first time he had ever done so, and relocated to the United States.[2]
In America, Wade met and fell in love with mutant teenage prostitute Vanessa Carlysle, with whom he shared dreams of a better life. Wilson was subsequently hired by Middle Eastern interests to assassinate a blind British government operative named Althea, also known as Blind Al, but upon arrival at the Zaire base where she was stationed, he killed everyone except for Al who had fled. Wilson’s employers sought vengeance for his failure by targeting Vanessa, who was rescued by Zoe Culloden, an employee of the inter-dimensional firm Landau, Luckman, Lake, and LeQuare. Culloden was keeping Wilson under surveillance, believing he was destined to play a vital part in a potential threat to the world. Learning that he had contracted cancer, Wilson broke up with his girlfriend Vanessa rather than force her to remain with a terminally ill man. He even gave up his chemo treatments, not wishing to prolong things.

Weapon X

In Canada, he was offered hope in the form of Department K, a special weapons development branch of the Canadian government. Wilson became a test subject in Department K’s branch of the joint U.S./Canadian superhuman enhancement project, the Weapon X Program; his cancer was temporarily arrested via the implantation of a healing factor derived from another Department K agent, the mutant adventurer Wolverine. Wilson was active in a covert field unit alongside the near-invulnerable Sluggo and the cyborgs Kane and Slayback. Vanessa herself was later affiliated with the team after having manifested mutant shapeshifting abilities, calling herself Copycat.
During one mission, Wilson killed his teammate Slayback. As a result, he was rejected from the Weapon X Program and sent to the Hospice, allegedly a government facility where failed superhuman operatives were treated. However, unknown to the Canadian government, the Hospice’s patients served as experimental subjects for Doctor Killebrew and his sadistic assistant Ajax (known then as The Attendant), with the patients placing bets in a "deadpool" as to how long each subject would live. Killebrew subjected Wilson to various torturous experiments for his own deranged satisfaction. In due course, Wilson formed a romantic relationship with the cosmic entity Death, who regarded him as a kindred spirit. Wilson started trying to kill himself, to join Death - going so far as to start taunting Ajax by saying his real name (Francis) over and over, which earned him the respect of his fellow Hospice patients. Then Ajax, angered by Wilson’s taunts, lobotomized Worm, the closest thing Wilson had to a friend. At Death’s prompting, Wilson killed Worm to end his suffering. However, under Killebrew's rules any patient who killed another was to be executed; Ajax subsequently tore out Wilson’s heart and left him for dead, but Wilson’s thirst for vengeance was so strong that it jump started his healing factor, regenerating his heart, although not curing his scarred body. Wilson then escaped the now-empty room and attacked the guards, making his way to Ajax. Wilson shot him in the chest with two automatic rifles, leaving him for dead. Taking the name Deadpool, he escaped from the Hospice with his fellow patients.

Gambar kat bawah ni ialah muka sbenar Deadpool tanpa topeng. Skarang korg faham naper Deadpool pakai topeng, sbab dyer nak tutup muka dyer yang rosak teruk dsebabkan eksperimen Weapon X yg bagi dyer kuasa yg dia ada skrg

Rupa sebenar Wade Wilson selepas dirawat

Deadpool dalam game Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2

Gambar kat atas ngan video kat bawah nilah rupa Deadpool dalam filem & game X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Boleh dikatakan nilah Deadpool paling buruk yg prnah aq lihat seumur hidup aq.

Deadpool dalam game Marvel v.s Capcom 3

Lepas tngok watak Deadpool asyik jadi watak undangan playable dlam game je, aq pown trtanya-tanya bila agaknya Deadpool nak ada game sendiri??? Akhirnya hajat aq ktersampaian jugak. Whahaha! Presenting, Teaser Trailer untuk game Deadpool yg akan kluar tahun 2013 nnti!!!

Yay! Suck it Wolverine!!! Kalau korang nak tahu lagi pasal game ni, korang bleh prgi ke Deadpool Game Official Website

Jumaat, Julai 20, 2012

WTF?! 3F Mnang Kelas Terbersih?!

Cmekom org2 yg sudi baca blog aq! Ahaha... Aq rasa dah lama btowl aq x update blog ni. Update pown ngarot2 je.

Ok, klau korg tngok tajuk ni je korg msti dah taw aq nak citer psal apa kan??? Ahaha yup, klas aq kitorg dpat klas trbersih bulan Jun!!! Korg mngkin akan ckap, "ala, mnang klas trbersih pown nak kcowh. Dah xde bnda lain ke nak tules kat blog ni???" Tapi korg x taw yg klas kitorg tu x mcam klas, dah mcam srang tikus mondok korg taw x. Mmang klau korang rasa mcam susah giler nak cayer klas kitorg yg cnggitu pown bleh mnang, aq lagi la x cayer.

Citer dyer cnggini, pada suatu hari Selasa yg indah, ada prhmpunan rasmi. Slalunya prhmpunan hari isnin tapi sbab hari isnin ada sukan jadi dyer tunda ke hari slasa. Pastu aq pown mcam biasa bratur ngan gang2 classmate aq kat dlam dewan.

Pastu lpas ckgu brtugas buat ucapn apa smua, dyer pown umumkan klas trbersih utk bulan Mei, Jun & Julai. Pastu Naqib ckap ngan aq, "skali ttiber klas kita mnang, kan?" Pastu aq ckap, "hish giler la. X kan la klas kita mnang klas trbrsih kot. Brsihkan klas pown x prnah. Ni kan plak nak mnang klas trbersih". Pstu ckgu brtugas tu pown ckap, "dan klas trbersih utk bulan Jun ialah kelas 3F!" Masa tu aq mmang blur, aq x taw klas kita btowl2 mnang ke atau aq slah dngar. Pstu aq pndang bdak2 klas aq, diorg pown mcam blur je. Pstu bila Aryn suruh Ruben ambik hamper kat atas pntas, bru aq taw yg klas kitorg mnang klas trbrsih.

Perggh, bkan aq sorg, smua bdak klas aq x cayer yg klas kitorg mnang klas trbersih. Dah la tu, klas trbersih blanan plak tu, bkan mngguan. Klau klas trbersih mngguan, x dpat apa2 pown. Cuma dpat nama ngan tpukan je. Tapi ni klas trbrsih bulanan. Pdahal bulan2 lpas xde pown 'anugrah' klas trbersih blanan. Ttiber je hari tu ada plak anugrah tu, pstu klas saper yg mnang dpat hamper plak tu. Giler seh! Mmang trkejut chimpanzi la aq!

Pastu bila kitorg balik klas, kitorg tngok klas kitorg mmang dah x nmpak mcam layak mnang la kan. Dngan smpah2 brterabur, meja x trsusun, pastu lpas dah bkak hamper tu, makin ktor plak klas kitorg tu. Last2 bdak2 klas aq buat inisiatif (btowl ke pnggunaan prkataan tu??? Aq pown x taw apa kbenda mksud inisiatif tu) untuk brsihkan klas sbersih-brsihnya. Ahaha hbat kan??? Sbab mnang hmper, trus nak brsihkan klas. Diorg siap mopkan lagi klas kitorg tu. Ahaha...

Isnin, Jun 04, 2012

Meh Berkenalan Dngan: 20 Band Feveret Aq

P/S: Post kali ni agak pnjang sikit (sbab aq rajin hari ni). Bkan pnjang dngan tulisan, tapi video2 yg aq nak cmpak kat sini. Dan lagi satu, jngan lupa tutup lagu bground blog aq sblum bkak video2 ni klau x nak lagu2 ni jadi mcam rojak buah mngkuk bsar ye.

Aq ni bkan la org yg snang rasa jemu. Contohnya mkanan. Wlaupun aq dah mkan mkanan tu bnyak kali, tapi klau aq dah kbulur, aq tibai je. Tapi ada satu bnda yg aq cpat rasa jemu, lagu dalam henfon aq. Sbab tu la aq slalu cari lagu2 baru, pastu share ngan kwan2 aq. Klau nak snaraikan smua band yg aq kenal mmang bnyak. Tapi kat sini aq snaraikan 20 band yg aq slalu layan bila boring. Ni bkan la snarai yg btowl2 sbab slera aq ngan lagu bleh brubah (mcam yg aq ckap tadi, aq cpat rasa jemu ngan lagu). Bukan smua band yg aq snaraikan kat bawah ni band hardcore sbab aq ni x lyan sngat lagu2 yg giler2 hardcore smpai kpala aq brserabut.

#20: A Static Lullaby

Sblum aq knal band ni, aq ada jmpa satu player kat Blackshot, nama nickname dyer Static Lullaby. Masa tu aq pown x taw Static Lullaby tu mnatang apa. Nama band rupanya.

#19: The Honorary Title

#18: Sum 41

Korg taw kan band ni prnah dtang Malaysia dulu???

#17: Slipknot

Saper je yg x knal dngan band bertopeng ni???

#16: Panic! At The Disco

#15: The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus

#14: Alesana

Credit kpada Aryn krana knalkan aq ngan band ni.

#13: Coldrain

Aq  start knal band dari Jepun ni masa aq dngar lagu diorang, Die Tomorrow kat dalam game PES 2011. Masa tu aq ngan Mil mmang harowk giler la ngan lagu kat ni.

#12: My Chemical Romance (MCR)

MCR adalah antara band yg akan sntiasa ada dlam hati aq smpai bila2 (cewah!)

#11: Shihad

Band ni pown aq knal dari PES 2011. Kiranya smbil mnyelam minum air la ni.

#10: Nirvana

Sayang btowl band ni dah disband masa taown 1994 dulu lpas vokalis band tu, Kurt Cobain bunuh diri. Kalau x, msti band ni antara band2 otai yg popular smpai skarang.

#9: The Rasmus

Masa aq tngah tngok citer apa ntah, aq ada trdengar lagu In The Shadow dlam citer tu. Masa tu aq pown x taw saper yg nyanyi lagu tu. Aq pown cari la kat internet smpai la akhirnya aq jmpa lagu ni kat Youtube. Lpas aq golek2 kat Youtube tu, baru aq dpat taw band The Rasmus ni ada bnyak giler lagu best! Woo!!!

#8: Green Day

Salah satu band  yg x akan luput di ingatan.

#7: Avenged Sevenfold

Saper je yg x knal ngan band otai ni. Aq knal band ni dari lagu diorg, Blinded In Chains yg jadi salah satu OST dlam game NFS: Most Wanted. Mmang gmpak la. Tapi masa tu kwan2 aq x harowk sngat ngan band ni. Skarg je baru nak giler2 ngan lagu diorg.

#6: Alien Ant Farm

Stiap kali tngok video klip band ni, aq msti prasan vokalis band ni ada rupa & prangai mcam kwan aq, Ajik (tapi smua kwan aq yg lain bngkang).

#5: Linkin Park

Linkin Park = Alternative Metal, my favourite genre

#4: Kasabian

Aq suka btowl ngan lagu2 dari band ni. Diorg gbungkan brmacam-macam elemen dlam lagu rock diorg & buatkan band ni jadi antara top 5 band feveret aq!

#3: Evanescence

Korang tnya naper aq suka band ni??? Vokalis band ni, Amy Lee ada suara like a goddess korg taw x. X cayer? Korg dngar la sndiri.

#2: Pierce The Veil

Ada bnyak band yg aq knal drpd game. Mcam band ni plak, aq knal masa lagu diorg, I'd Rather Die Than Be Famous jadi OST game Tony Hawk's Proving Ground.

#1: Escape The Fate

Ni dyer band yg jadi feveret aq... buat masa ni (klau aq dah jemu nnti, aq cari band lain plak). Aq x knal band ni dari mana2 game ataupun filem, tapi aq jumpa sndiri kat Youtube. Tu la agknya yg buat aq sngkut giler2 ngan band ni. Woo!!!

Pasni x pyah la korg nak komen mngarot2 ckap band ni x best la, naper band ni x masuk la. Ni cuma pndapat aq je. Klau nak sama mcam korang punya taste, korang buat la sndiri eh???
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